CloudZero, the leading cloud cost intelligence company, today announced the addition of SNOWFLAKE COST INTELLIGENCE, which enables companies to align their Snowflake resources to their products, features, and other key business metrics. Only CloudZero can combine cloud cost intelligence from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Snowflake to give companies a holistic view of their cost of goods sold (COGS) and unit cost in multi-service cloud environments.

“Many companies are supplementing their cloud provider’s offerings with best-of-breed solutions – one example is Snowflake for data warehousing,” said Erik Peterson, CTO and founder of CloudZero. “While this approach is great for customizing a cloud environment, it can make it difficult to see a complete picture of how much it costs to build and run your products — while on-demand pricing introduces a new challenge to predict and control cost. Cloud cost intelligence from CloudZero helps organizations put this spending in the context of their actual business, helping inform decisions about go-to-market planning, pricing, product delivery, and more.”

With Snowflake Cost Intelligence, companies can align spending on Snowflake resources, such as storage and compute, to the company’s products, features, and unit costs, such as cost per customer. In addition, companies can combine data on their Snowflake spend with their AWS spend, giving them a holistic view of their COGS. With full insight into Snowflake spending history, companies can quickly explore and measure their cost trends, with accuracy down to the hour. Machine learning-driven anomaly alerting ensures that no surprises or unexpected costs arise.

Setup for Snowflake Cost Intelligence is a simple, one-time process that complies with Snowflake’s data-sharing best practices. From there, CloudZero automatically ingests and analyzes Snowflake data, correlating it with AWS billing data. CloudZero’s simple user interface instantly delivers relevant insights directly to engineering teams, so they can make cost-informed product development decisions.

For more information and to request a demo, visit WWW.CLOUDZERO.COM.

About CloudZero

CloudZero puts engineering in control of cloud cost, by connecting technical decisions with business results. Designed for software-driven companies focused on growing margins, the CloudZero Cloud Cost Intelligence Platform aligns businesses around metrics such as cost per product feature, customer, and development team — providing key insights for strategic business decisions. With context-rich insights sent directly to development, engineering teams can innovate profitably — without sacrificing velocity.