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Ingest And Normalize Your Cost Data

CloudZero AnyCost™ ingests 100% of your IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS spend and normalizes it in a common data model for maximum flexibility.

Cost Allocation
All Cloud Spend

Capture Every Penny Of Your Cloud Spend

Modern cloud stacks consist of ever-more-specialized solutions: Snowflake, Databricks, New Relic, MongoDB, and more. CloudZero AnyCost™ captures and unifies all of your spend data.

Normalize All Spend In A Common Data Model

Different cloud providers format cost data differently, making it hard to unify. So, CloudZero converts all spend data into a common data model, making 100% of it compatible with 100% of our platform.

Allocate Cloud Spend
Metrics That Matter

Put Raw Cost Data In Business Context

AnyCost™ ingests more than just cost data. It also takes in business and technical telemetry: usage metrics that enable precise shared cost allocation and contextualization.

Never Miss Another Savings Opportunity

Every penny of your cloud spend shows up in every inch of CloudZero. With 100% ingestion, allocation, and attribution, you can see — and realize — 100% of your savings opportunities.

Reveal Savings Opportunities

Customer Stories

Unified AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes costs — and drove 36% cloud savings

CloudZero bridges AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes, giving us a single pane of glass. It’s the first place we go to see how much something costs, and it’s a single source of truth for our finance, product, and engineering teams.

Michael Waltz

Micheal Waltz

Principal DevOps Engineer, Demandbase

Read full customer story

Reduced annual cloud costs by $2.4 million.

The most valuable tool in my day-to-day work.

Freedom Dumlao

Chief Architect, Drift

Read full customer story

How CloudZero Powers Efficient Innovation

Unit Cost Small

Unit Cost

Develop and monitor metrics that act as barometers for healthy cloud spend: cost per customer, per product, per feature, per team — or whatever is most central to your business.



CloudZero Insights collects savings opportunities found by your team, your FinOps Account Manager, and by the CloudZero platform’s automated algorithms.