Table Of Contents
Snowflake All Region Support New Relic Cost Adapter Beta Anomaly Thresholds

Cost-efficient cloud engineering depends on a few key factors: data completeness, data accuracy, and data accessibility. The more exhaustive and groomed your data is, and the easier time your engineers have accessing the data that’s relevant to their work, the better equipped they’ll be to “make cost a nonfunctional requirement” of well-architected software, to quote the great Werner Vogels.

CloudZero was busy in January adding functionality to make each of these factors stronger and simpler. From new turnkey integrations for Snowflake and New Relic to customizable anomaly thresholds and beyond, CloudZero gets more accurate and easy to use month in and month out.

Take a look at what our product team accomplished in January, and stay tuned for more updates like these in the future!

Snowflake All Region Support

Introducing: CloudZero now supports turnkey connections in all available Snowflake regions, across all three major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, and Azure). Visualizing your Snowflake data has never been simpler.

You can use it to: Choose where your Snowflake data resides, and get complete visibility set up within minutes. See more about setting up Snowflake in our documentation.

Status: Live!

New Relic Cost Adapter Beta

Introducing: The latest in our series of cost data integrations — a simple, UI- and API-driven method of bringing New Relic cost data into the CloudZero platform.

You can use it to: Consolidate and view your observability spend more quickly and accurately than ever before.

Status: Beta is live!

Anomaly Thresholds

Anomaly Thresholds

Introducing: Customizable anomaly thresholds! You can now fine-tune your anomalies based on team or project expectations by entering a “% of spend” daily threshold for individual Views. You can also disable anomalies per View for additional customization accuracy.

You can use them to:

  • Get hyper-specialized notifications when spend spikes within a particular team or project
  • Drive more cost-efficient engineering across all stages of development

Status: Live!

The Cloud Cost Playbook

The step-by-step guide to cost maturity

The Cloud Cost Playbook cover